
What Is Emodiversity?
Emodiversity measures the variety and relative abundance of emotions a person experiences.
High emodiversity means experiencing many different emotions in relatively balanced proportions, while low emodiversity means experiencing only a few distinct emotions in unbalanced proportions.
Here, Person A and Person B have the same average levels of positive emotion (4.2 / 10). However, Person A's emotional life is almost 50% more diverse than Person B's.
On this page, you'll find an easy-to-use R function to compute emodiversity from any emotion scale.
R Function to Compute Emodiversity
Description: The compute_emodiversity function for R computes emodiversity (Shanon's entropy) for each participant in a dataset.
It accommodates any number of emotion items and supports different rating scales, whether you coded emotion from 1 to 7, 0 to 100, or any other scale.
The function also handles single (one-shot survey) or multiple time points (e.g., ESM or diary data) and missing values.
df: The input dataframe.
emotion_cols: A vector of column names representing emotion ratings.
id_col: The column name representing participant IDs.
multiple_times: Boolean indicating if each participant provides multiple sets of emotion ratings (e.g., an experience sampling or diary study in which emotions are measured on multiple occasions). The default is FALSE.
absence_code: The value used to code the absence of emotion. By default, the function assumes "not experiencing an emotion" is coded as 0. If you use a 1 (not at all) to 7 (extremely) Likert scale, for example, then specify absence_code = 1.
If `absence_code` is `1`, the function will recode the emotion ratings to start from 0.
Missing values are replaced with 0 (no emotion).
If `multiple_times` is `TRUE`, emotion ratings are averaged for each participant.
Emodiversity is calculated using the `diverse` package.
Emodiversity is expressed both as a raw score (Shanon's entropy) and as a percentage of the maximum possible emodiversity given the number of items on your emotion scale.
The computed emodiversity scores are merged back into the original dataframe.
Return Value:
A dataframe with added columns for emodiversity, emodiversity percentage, and the number of measurement occasions per participant.
R Code:
Usage Example Code:
Let's create a toy dataframe where 10 participants rated whether they were experiencing 4 distinct emotions on a scale from 1 (not at all) to 7 (extremely) on three separate occasions. Then let's run the compute_emodiversity function.